
ADR Technology

you are welcome

After years of work and hundreds of experiences, the scientists of ADR Technologyin Poland, have been the first in the world to create a protective mesh of great simplicity, but extremely effective, which protects human beings from harmful electromagnetic radiation, both high and low frequency.
In our day to day, we are continuously exposed to electromagnetic fields. These harmful fields are emitted by wireless communication and all cables and devices that are connected to an electrical circuit, even when they are not on.Although these fields are not visible to the human eye, they can have a very negative effect on our health.

25 years of research at your service

Stanislaw Wosinski, founder and current president of ADR Technology, Polish scientist, inventor, Doctor of Engineering from the Technological University of Poznan - Poland. He has 6 world patents that have earned him many international awards. From the production center in Poland, he directs and extends his technology to the whole world.

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Stanislaw Wosinsky

Presidente ADR Technology
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Julián Marín, responsible for Spain and Portugal of ADR Technology. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Radiological Protection, adviser and judicial expert in electromagnetic fields, and with more than 18 years of experience in the expansion of franchises.

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Julián Marín

Director ADR Technology Spain and Portugal
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Main products


The ADR mat is a screen that protects people from harmful electric fields. Although these fields are imperceptible, the long daily hours of staying within reach affect our health.
The ADR MAT protection mesh capable of shielding electric fields which makes it unique in the world, for its effectiveness, thinness and ease of use. Eliminates 90% of the harmful fields for humans. Reduces the intensity of the electrosmog to the level of the strictest safety standards. The energy absorbed becomes a harmless and imperceptible heat for people. It has a great advantage: it does not require ground connection, and in this way, protects during sleep or rest from the influence of variable electric fields and makes the home environment healthier.
Patent WO2010093270
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ADR TEX protección radiaciones electromagnéticas


ADR TEX is a protection mesh for electric fields. It is intended for use in the home or office, as well as for construction and industry. Due to the increasing electromagnetic pollution in the human environment and the influence of electric fields, the ADR TEX mesh is finding more and more new applications.
ADR TEX protects electric fields in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 10 MHz. Request information.
ADR TEX is a component that is increasingly used in the production of other products, such as floor coverings, wall panels, mattresses, furniture and others.
Thanks to the innovative ADR technology, the ADR TEX mesh does not require a ground connection, it is not charged with electric charges. Its indisputable advantages are the lightness, the thinness, the ease of assembly, the possibility of cutting like a normal fabric at a low price.
Patent WO2010093270
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Healthy dream

A good night's sleep is essential for a normal life and the proper course of mental processes. An adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per day, a newborn approximately 18 hours per day. On average, we sleep approximately 120 days a year, we sleep for approximately 20 years throughout our lives. At night, the activity of the variable electromagnetic radiation of the Sun decreases to a minimum. Variable fields, especially electric fields, can interfere with the production of genetic material (DNA and RNA). That is why in the course of evolution, the human body has chosen the night for the moment of intense division, regeneration and detoxification of the cells that occurs during sleep. This minimizes the risk of incorrect splits and the formation of cancer cells.
Therefore, the influence of variable electric fields in the place of sleep is particularly damaging. Babies are the most vulnerable. Even a badly sleepy night reduces psychophysical aptitude. Long-term sleep disturbances or insomnia cause many undesirable effects, both mentally and physically, such as:
- Disorders of humor, irritability, apathy,
- Concentration problems,
- Slow response time,
- Constant feeling of fatigue.
Alteration of immune system activity, such as: disorders in the number of white blood cells, impairment of lymphocyte activity, including natural killer cytotoxics, which normally fight against abnormal cells infected by viruses or cancerous. Long-term sleep disorders can even lead to states that are close to psychosis, hallucinations or even paranoid states.
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